第 101 类
与同类工具相比,此类工具提供最高质量的模具。当产量超过一百万次循环时,选择Class 101是因为它能够支持大批量。模架采用经过热处理的不锈钢制成,硬化至至少 280 BHN,具有极高的耐用性。其他成型表面,包括型腔和型芯,也具有高耐磨性,并且可以承受塑料中磨料添加剂的抵抗力。第 102 类
Class 102 模具支持从 500、000 到 1200 万个零件的中高产量,最适合磨蚀材料和/或需要严格公差的零件。与 Class 101 类似,此分类下的模架和表面也采用热处理工具钢制成,以有效防止过早磨损。第 103 类
103 级工具通常由 P20 钢制成,通常用于中低容量程序,循环范围在 250,000 到 500,000 之间。虽然只有一些工具经过热处理以提高耐磨性,但模架的最小硬度为 165 BHN。由于与 Class 101 或 102 相比,底座更软,因此不建议使用这些工具制造具有严格公差的零件。在质量、性能和成本之间取得平衡,103 级模具通常在平均价格范围内。第 104 类
将 Class 104 工具降低一度,适用于使用非磨蚀性材料制造零件。由于模架和型腔由低碳钢、铝或合金制成,该分类支持低成本项目和小批量生产,不超过 100,000 次循环。第 105 类
Known as prototype tooling, Class 105 is suited only for quick-turn prototypes or volumes under 500 cycles. The molds are made with extremely fragile materials including soft aluminum, epoxy, cast materials, or any other alloys suitable to produce minimum quantities. These tools exhibit accelerated wear and tear, low strength, and minimal durability.
While Boyd typically utilizes class 101 through 103 for the majority of its production, Classes 104 and 105 tooling are occasionally employed for lower-volume production. Utilizing the above SPI mold classification to determine the correct mold type for your project is crucial to ensure process repeatability, minimize production downtime, and reduce defects and scrap rate. With extensive experience and technical know-how, the engineering team at Boyd can help guide you through the unique parameters for each classification to select the best mold type to meet your quality, production, and cost objectives. To learn more about our tooling and which plastic injection molding solution is right for your next project, reach out to our experts.