Liquid Cooling Systems and Chiller Service Tools

Coolant Distribution Unit (CDU) Service

Boyd leverages high quality components and precision manufacturing to craft our performance coolant distribution units. Yet even with the best preventative care, devices can break or components wear, and you will need service for your CDU. Boyd supports post installation maintenance and repair for our CDUs through our CDU Service Team.

Use the form to request service for your CDU Serial Number.

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Service Agreements

Boyd offers worry-free service agreements custom-tailored to your needs that addresses your Liquid Cooling System maintenance and support requirements

Training and On-Site Support

Customer training and a variety of on-site services help you optimize management of your liquid cooling systems

Liquid Cooling System Service

We stand behind our liquid cooling systems and expect them to perform reliably for you over many years. Achieving this long tenured, reliable performance does require regular maintenance to assure peak performance.

We’re responsive to customer support needs ranging from spare parts fulfillment, system service, and repair solutions. Globally available service operations and factory-certified technicians provide rapid, effective, and affordable service to minimize system maintenance downtime.

Chiller Software Downloads

Download and install our software to run your Boyd chiller or cooling systems with intelligent controls.

Chiller Software Files:


Recirculating Chiller Manuals:

Modular Ambient Cooling System Manuals:

Liquid-to-Liquid Cooling System Manuals:


*Models RC006 and RC030 have been discontinued. Please use RC009 or RC045 respectively.


Have questions? We’re ready to help!