大多数时候,当我们听到折叠时,而不是折叠的翅片散热器。我们首先想到的是折叠典型的日常用品,如衣物或纸张。我们大多数人不思考或不知道折叠在技术中的出色应用。科学、技术和工程已经将折叠作为各种领域创新的资源。提高单个材料板材强度或柔韧性的材料创新源于对折叠的研究。折叠改善了车辆安全气囊或太空应用太阳能电池板的存储。Origami 帮助开发了心脏支架,使其能够自我膨胀到位,使心脏手术的并发症变得不那么复杂。折叠电池、电路和可折叠机器人形式正在推动电子和机器人技术的应用。
While not so flashy as paper origami, robotics, or medical applications, we can apply folding techniques in thermal management. In the thermal management world, folding metal sheets enables us to increase the amount of surface area within a given volume. Surface area is crucial for effective heat transfer.
Folding fins from a single piece also minimizes the number of components used to assemble heat transfer assemblies, such as folded fin heat sinks or larger heat exchangers. Since a fin stack is made with a single piece of material, it reduces machine set up time, assembly and handling time, and scrap material.
我们拿了 Paper Origami 和 Gone Metal!
平顶是最常见的折叠翅片类型,因为波峰或顶部通常是翅片堆栈与散热器底座连接的地方。扁平的波峰翅片最大限度地增加了与底座的表面接触量,因此大部分热量可以从底座传递到翅片。这些是 Genie 中使用的鳍类型。还有其他类型的翅片可供选择,但它们的用途是特定于应用的,就像铝和铜以外的材料一样。这些包括圆冠、百叶窗、锯齿形和偏移、波浪形和荷叶边。
折叠的翅片很少单独使用。折叠的翅片堆栈通常与底座连接,该底座用作热源和翅片之间的接口。Genie 默认使用铜或铝底座,其中两者都可以选择嵌入式热管。但与鳍片一样,您可以定义要用于基座的其他材质。
What’s neat about having two separate components for the fins and the base is that you can mix and match materials. You can have a copper base and aluminum fins, or an all aluminum heat sink, or all copper heat sink, depending on what your application needs.
The material selection determines the joining method between the fins and the base. Aluminum resists soldering, so aluminum/aluminum joints are epoxy bonded. Epoxy doesn’t adhere well to copper, so copper/copper joints tend to be soldered. If mixed between the two, typically the aluminum component is nickel plated, then the assembly is soldered together.
折叠翅片也是 液体冷板 和 热交换器 中的常见组件,因为它们很容易增加表面积并提高系统和设备性能。如果您在折叠鳍应用方面需要帮助,请联系我们的团队!