The two biggest cost drivers in cold plate manufacturing are thermal performance requirements and annual demand, which generally thermal engineers and manufacturing engineers have little or no control over. However, you can reduce costs by understanding how roughness, flatness, hardness, surface topography, mounting features, and liquid connections specifications can all affect the cost of a cold plate. By involving your cold plate manufacturer early in the design process, you’ll be able to identify the manufacturing cost drivers and select the most cost effective design.
Two of the most popular aluminum cold plate technologies are tubed and vacuum-brazed (See Figure 1). Tubed cold plates are usually copper or stainless steel tubes pressed into a channeled aluminum extrusion. They are cost-effective and offer good bulk heat removal for low-to-medium watt densities. Vacuum-brazed cold plates consist of two plates metallurgically bonded together with internal fin. They are available in all sizes and offer extremely high performance, making them ideal for applications where heat loads are concentrated. Labor time is limited with both tubed and vacuum-brazed cold plate technologies. For that reason, U.S. cold plate manufacturers tend to be competitive with offshore manufacturers for moderate volumes. The lower labor cost reduction from buying offshore is typically offset by shipping and customs costs, and additional inventory associated with long transport times. The threshold quantity for offshore savings is usually about 10,000 cold plates or more per year.
Another option is to combine casting and machining to make cold plates. For instance, if the casting is not flat enough, a secondary operation to get the cold plate to the required flatness specification will be necessary. It is important to note that sand castings are not an option for vacuum-brazed cold plates because most alloys used have a melting temperature below the vacuum-brazing temperature. Their use is strictly limited to tubed cold plates. Obtaining quotes on the two production processes and weighing the pros and cons is recommended.
典型的机加工冷板的表面光洁度为32-64 µin(81-163 µcm),这对于大多数应用是足够的。使用标准机加工中心可将粗糙度降至16 µin(41 µcm),但是这需要更牢固的夹具以减少任何可能出现的颤动,并降低加工头的速度和进给速度。(速度是指切削工具头旋转的速度,进给速度是指加工头在冷板上移动的速度。)降低速度和进给速度会导致加工时间延长,从而增加成本。
Most applications use a thermal interface material (TIM) between the component or board and the cold plate to help to minimize the gaps. A TIM should be as thin as possible, as the relatively high thermal resistance of the TIM greatly overshadows any conductivity improvements from having a smoother surface. Increasing the clamping force of the component or board to the cold plate can also help to offset a higher roughness, but it may increase the stress on the board or component. Clamping stress can also increase the impact of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatches as the cold plate and component or board heat up.
表面平整度比表面粗糙度对冷板的热性能影响更大,因为如果冷板不平整,则接触面积大大减小(见图2)。标准平整度规格为0.001英寸/英寸(0.003厘米/厘米)。因此,在测量点的一英寸范围内,冷板的最低点与最高点相差不会超过0.001英寸(0.003厘米)。如果您的规格要求平整度优于0.001英寸/英寸(0.003厘米/厘米),则节省成本的一种方法是指定局部平整度而不是整个板上的严格平整度。例如,如果要在冷板上安装多个绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT),并且每个IGBT在整个基板上需要达到0.001英寸/英寸(0.003 厘米/厘米)的平整度,则应为单个IGBT指定局部平整度,而不是要求整个板达到极高的平整度。
For liquid connections, straight threaded O-ring female ports generally work best. Other than a welded system, it provides the best sealing at the lowest cost. Plumbing connections, such as a NPT fitting, do not provide the precision needed for components such as cold plates. On a vacuum-brazed cold plate, a male fitting, such as a barbed or beaded fitting, should be avoided because it requires another operation such as welding to attach the fitting. In addition, fittings that extend beyond the cold plate need to be protected during shipment, potentially adding packaging costs. Quick disconnects should only be used when necessary because they can cost as much as $750 per pair. Quick disconnects are required on cold plates or electronics that need to be frequently replaced. They are also required for cold plates that are shipped already charged with cooling fluid. With liquid connections another consideration is the port tolerance. Usually incoming plumbing has some flex to it. A reasonable tolerance is between ±0.030 inch (0.076 cm) and ±0.060 inch (0.152 cm).
Working with a cold plate manufacturer early in a cold plate’s design or being flexible on a build to print design will allow for the greatest amount of cost savings. Although the two biggest cost drivers in cold plate manufacturing are thermal performance requirements and annual demand, there are many other factors over which thermal and/or component engineers have some control. Ensuring that there is a reason for every specification, as every specification may drive up cost, will help to keep costs down. It’s important to determine when roughness, flatness, surface topography, hardness, mounting features and holes, and liquid connections specifications are necessary. In addition, it’s important to realize that there are many alternatives in not only the design, but also the manufacturing processes used, which can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars in manufacturing.
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